
CSR Activities

Company > CSR Activities

At Delta Infosoft, we believe in giving back to the community and making a positive impact through our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Our commitment to social responsibility is an integral part of our company values and operations.

Educational Outreach

Webinar for GD Modi Palanpur Students

As part of our educational outreach, we recently conducted a webinar for the students of GD Modi Palanpur. This initiative aimed to educate students about the workings of the software industry, providing them with valuable insights and knowledge to help them in their future careers. Our speakers, Nirav Adhavan and Meet, shared their expertise and experiences, inspiring the students and answering their queries.

Life at DeltaLife at Delta
Life at DeltaLife at Delta

Environmental Sustainability

Delta Infosoft is committed to reducing our environmental footprint. We have implemented various green initiatives within our office, such as energy-efficient lighting, recycling programs, and promoting the use of digital documents to minimize paper waste.

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(+91) 79403 71010

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