
By Current Solftware > iDealer

Empower Your Dealership Network with Precision

Delta's dealer module software is a comprehensive solution crafted to streamline and elevate dealership operations. This robust platform offers advanced features designed to optimize dealer management, enhancing efficiency and performance across your network.

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Product Details

The project planning and control connect module software developed by Delta Info Soft is a comprehensive tool designed to streamline project management processes. This robust platform empowers organizations to efficiently plan, monitor, and control projects from inception to completion. With advanced features for scheduling, resource allocation, and progress tracking, it ensures timely delivery and optimal resource utilization. Gain complete visibility and enhance project outcomes with our intuitive project planning and control solution.

Key Features

Streamline your workflows and boost productivity with our cutting-edge software solution.

Online Scheduling

Easily schedule appointments online, ensuring convenience for both customers and staff

Appointment Management

Efficiently manage appointments, including booking, rescheduling, and cancellations.

Availability Management

Monitor and update staff availability in real-time to optimize scheduling.

Multiple Calendars

Sync and manage multiple calendars seamlessly to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Reminders and Notifications

Send automated reminders and notifications to reduce no-shows and keep everyone informed.

Integration with Other Tools

Integrate with other business tools and platforms for enhanced functionality and workflow.

Reporting and Analytics

Access detailed reports and analytics to gain insights into appointment trends and staff performance.


Customize the software to fit your business needs and branding, ensuring a tailored experience

Implementation Measures

Learn how to set up and start using our software solution.

Requirement Analysis

Conduct a thorough analysis to understand your specific dealer network requirements and objectives.


Tailor the software to align with your unique business processes and workflows for maximum efficiency.

Training and Support

Provide comprehensive training sessions and ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition and user adoption.

Data Migration

Safely migrate existing data to the new system to maintain continuity and accuracy in operations.

Testing and Deployment

Rigorously test the software before deployment to guarantee reliability and performance across your dealer network.

Product Flow of Delta iDealer

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(+91) 79403 71010

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